
Daisy Dog Training

We are passionate about dogs! We offer positive dog and puppy training & behavior coaching. We want to help you better understand your dog in order to enjoy a great relationship and life together. Join us and receive training tips and information about our amazing friends.

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Barks & Bites - September 2023

Hello Reader, I hope that you had an amazing summer! We enjoyed some fun day-trips, with one of the most memorable being a visit to the Alpha Lake dog park near Whistler, BC. If you're ever in the area I highly recommend a visit. There is even a dock just for the dogs! Alpha Lake Dog Park Leash Walking Loose leash walking is a top training concern for many of us! Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key when teaching your dog to walk on a loose leash. Every dog is unique, so...

Hello Reader, In this edition... Fun Facts About Dogs What Really Is 'Positive' Dog Training? What Is Enrichment? Upcoming Classes Vote in the "Best of Richmond" Fun Facts About Dogs Did you know that dogs may be as intelligent as a 2 year old human child? A very smart dog can learn approximately 1,000 words. Every dog's nose print is unique, just like human fingerprints. Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while humans have about 6 million. The part of a dog's brain...

Cute puppy

Hello Reader! In This Edition Dogs Who Jump Up On People - Four Helpful Tips New Puppy Meets Resident Dog Classes And Drop-in Sessions I hope you've had a wonderful summer and are enjoying this incredible fall. I don't ever remember a warmer fall season than this in the Lower Mainland. Get outside and let your dog roll around in the leaves before the rain comes. Dogs Who Jump On People- Four Helpful Tips I'm sure that we've all had a dog jump up on us at some point in our lives. Some people...

Adorable puppy

Hello Reader! Welcome to Summer! In this edition... 5 Tips for Walks with Your Dog. Do All Dogs Swim? Saying Goodbye. Puppy Socialization is every Thursday at 6:15pm at the Wesbrook Community Centre. This is a fun weekly event that includes puppy play and learning for pups 18 weeks and under. The next cohort of Puppy Preschool classes in Richmond at the Cambie Community Centre (for pups 18 weeks and under) starts on Saturday, August 6th. Visit our website for details. Basic Manners classes...

Hello Reader! Welcome and thank you so much for joining our email list! Hopefully you remember doing so, as it may have been awhile ago (please don't immediately unsubscribe)! Ha ha! We plan to ramp up our newsletter, as well as our tips, tricks and dog information this year... 2022 is it... the year it all happens! To start with, we have a new short podcast on the hot topic of puppy biting for any of you new pup owners out there. For anyone looking for group training classes, we currently...