Barks & Bites - September 2023

Hello Reader,

I hope that you had an amazing summer! We enjoyed some fun day-trips, with one of the most memorable being a visit to the Alpha Lake dog park near Whistler, BC. If you're ever in the area I highly recommend a visit. There is even a dock just for the dogs!

Leash Walking

Loose leash walking is a top training concern for many of us!

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key when teaching your dog to walk on a loose leash. Every dog is unique, so try a few different strategies and use a variety of high-value treats.

  1. Equipment: Invest in a no-pull harness (front clip) rather than a traditional collar.
  2. Environment: Begin training in a quiet, familiar environment to minimize distractions.
  3. High-Value Treats: Reward your dog with tasty treats when they walk nicely beside you.
  4. Patience: Be patient with your dog. Learning takes time, and some dogs may need more time than others.
  5. Pulling: If your dog starts pulling on the leash, stop walking and wait until they return to your side before resuming.
  6. Change Directions: If your dog starts pulling, change direction abruptly. This helps regain their attention and teaches them to pay attention to you more during walks.
  7. Stay Calm and Relaxed: Dogs are sensitive to our emotions. Stay calm and relaxed during walks, as tension can transfer down the leash and create stress.

For more leash walking tips and tricks click the button below to download our PDF!

We are designing an online course for new puppy parents!

If you have a new puppy or know someone who does... we are looking for feedback! Simply click below to help out and receive complimentary puppy training tips in return!

If you've been a past participant in our group classes or private training, you are invited to join our private Facebook Group. I'm hoping that this will provide an opportunity for additional support on your training journey. Join the group here!

Reach out by email at with any questions, suggestions or training tips you'd like to learn more about. Thank you!

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10-12060 Bath Rd. Richmond, BC V6V 1H2
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Daisy Dog Training

We are passionate about dogs! We offer positive dog and puppy training & behavior coaching. We want to help you better understand your dog in order to enjoy a great relationship and life together. Join us and receive training tips and information about our amazing friends.

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